Friday, October 14, 2011

Read You Should: The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger

"The big question:  Is Origami Yoda real?
Well, of course he's real.  I mean, he's a real finger puppet made out of a real piece of paper.
But I mean:  Is he REAL?  Does he really know things?  Can he see the future? Does he use the Force?
Or is he just a hoax that fooled a whole bunch of us at McQuarrie Middle School?"

I'm kind of bummed that I wasn't the one who thought of writing a story about a Yoda finger puppet who dispenses sage advice from the hand of a grade 6 boy.   With a genius premise like that, the book would practically write itself!   And I mean, it's not like I don't have lots of practice in Yoda-speak, living with an eight-year-old Clone Wars expert like I do.  (He even has a Yoda t-shirt that says "Read you must!"  No kidding.)

If you like the Wimpy Kid funny-chapter-book-with-sketches format,  you'll like Origami Yoda too. I think the reading level is slightly lower than the Wimpy Kid books, actually,  but it's just as visually entertaining.  The main character is Tommy, who creates a casebook around whether Origami Yoda's advice is accurate or misleading so he can decide whether or not to ask Sara to dance at the school Fun Night like Origami Yoda told him to.  Harvey is the skeptic who  Does Not Believe and scribbles his Unbeliever comments all over the casebook.  Dwight is the creator and voice of Origami Yoda. His friends don't think much of his intellect, which is why they kind of think Origami Yoda might be for real.  How could Dwight possibly come up with advice that actually works?

The sequel to  Origami Yoda has just come out and it's called...wait for it...Darth Paper Strikes Back.  I've just put it in Ewan's and my to-read pile.  Origami Yoda comes with instructions on how to make your very own Yoda finger puppet.  I am totally psyched!

And, just for fun, here's a hilarious commercial starring Darth Vader and "The Force".

May the Force be with you, friends!

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